Monday, January 15

Dylan Ryder Did Ya Hear The One About The Doctor & The Hooker?

The insane costs of medical care being what they are in the United States, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And if that girl is stacked and beautiful, then at least she's got some negotiation power with her healthcare provider. Case in point: the very pretty Dylan Ryder. Dr. Joe is the doctor to the star hookers in his city. He knows them all intimately. Gynecology is his life. It's Dylan's first time with this physician. She's a little impatient because she needs to hit the sidewalks and cocktail lounges and make her living so she can pay these fucking doctors their insane bills. For a hooker, Dylan is strangely reluctant to get undressed, but if she wants to get her medical exam over with, she needs to let the doctor do his job.

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